The lucky winner of this Amanda Stone Talley piece is number 85! Congratulations to TG of The Prippy Handbook! You will be contacted shortly. Thanks so much to Amanda Stone Talley for the great giveaway and to everyone that entered the contest.…
The lucky winner of this Amanda Stone Talley piece is number 85! Congratulations to TG of The Prippy Handbook! You will be contacted shortly. Thanks so much to Amanda Stone Talley for the great giveaway and to everyone that entered the contest.…
Hello my pretties, and Happy Halloween! Halloween has changed so much since I was a child, we used to just carve out a pumpkin and leave it on the front stoop. Nowadays, its seems like every other house in our area is decked out to the hilt in festive Halloween decor. I have to confess, when it c…
These beauties are finally back in stock! But, most likely not for long...get them while you can, here.btw...how great is this room from Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles designed by Amy D. Morris?! And, finally...belated thanks to The Yuppie Lady for the fun shout out to zhush.com!…
No. 96What's up pussycats? Are you all set for Halloween? Any fun costume ideas out there? Raise your hand if you can't believe that Halloween is this Monday! Talk about scary!!! Hope your weekend is purrrfect.xoxo,…
As much as I love using purple in my home's decor, my all time favorite color combo for interiors is classic blue and white. I will never tire of the fresh and pulled together look these two colors achieve when paired together. The Lynn Morgan Design team, uses this pairing in the chic homes they s…
According to those in the know over at Style.com, the cameo is making a big comeback with fashionistas this season. There's something so sweet about a vintage cameo piece, I'm finding that I even like some of the newer, edgier ones as well. This trend seems easy enough to get behind, as there are …
I've just finally caught up with all of the October and November shelter magazines...which could be an obsession du jour in and of itself. Lately, all of the top home decor publications have really been knocking out of the park...did you see that purple apartment designed by Haynes Roberts in Elle …
Over the weekend we lit our first official fire of the season. The mornings and evenings are now consistently chilly, and I'm not leaving the house without at least a coat or jacket for a while. It's this time of year when my focus on beach and pool houses shifts over to mountain lodges and retrea…
I'm thrilled to announce that zhush.com will now be carrying Bungalow 5! Having admired this company's wares in the best shelter magazines and blogs for years, it's so exciting to now sell this stunning line of home decor. Look for new items to be added to our growing selection soon, and if you do…
No. 95I'm ready to throw in the towel on this week...how about you? Thank goodness the weekend is almost here... but, given all the different activities my kids have on the schedule these next few days, I'm going to need some super hero powers to get through them all! Wish us luck!Have a great one~…
Good Morning! Are you a morning person? Sadly, I'm not...but this morning just got a bit brighter for me. My guest post over at Chic Coastal Living is up. I hope you'll take a peak.Image via: Pinterest…
First it was the Sapien Bookcase that captured my eye, and now another modern, vertical and artful piece has fully won me over: the Akari Freeform Column Floor Lamp. Between the soft light this fixture gives off, the tall sculptural quality and it's modern Asian vibe, I'm completely sold! I can't…