We're back from a lovely week in Florida! You might remember this post, where I first gave little glimpses into our vacation home. Today, I happily have a few more peeks of the progress that we're making.  For starters, we've gotten some mirrors (like this Jonathan Adler one above) and some art onto our stark white walls.  Our new piece by local artist Cheryl Maeder, makes me smile every time I enter the room.  Speaking of smiles,  blue zebrine wallpaper by Rose Cummings, now graces our guest bathroom walls and ceiling!  Beach inspired sconces, by Moth Designs were hung as well, and we made a lot of headway in our children's rooms too. All of these shots were taken on Instagram, an absolute obsession for me, this app is perfect for my always have my phone, but never my camera self!  So far, zhushing up this house has been a lot of fun, I'm getting to utilize many of the pieces and ideas I've written about here for years!


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